Dalgan Windows uses cookies to provide features such to analyse traffic to the website. This page details which cookies are used by Dalgan Windows and the purposes for which they are used, as well as how to change your cookie preferences. This page should be read along with the privacy policy.
You can adjust your cookie settings on our cookie preferences page.
Cookies are small text files stored in a prearranged location on your computer or browsing device, which may be a phone, laptop or tablet, among others, when you visit a website. Not every website places cookies, but most of them do. This text file usually contains a unique identifier which is compared with other information to determine for example, whether or not you have last visited.
Which cookies are used and the reasons Dalgan Windows uses cookies
All cookies may be blocked by your browser settings, but if all cookies are blocked the site may not function properly. Required functional cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.
Changes to this cookie policy
This cookie policy notice may be updated to reflect changes in our services and how we comply with data protection legislation. We encourage you to review this notice on a regular basis.
Dalgan Windows are incredibly professional.